Monday, November 23, 2009

seeds of the season

I know this one isn't in focus the way i'd like.. but I love some of the depth in these pods

I seriously was pondering what type of person would have done this. I thought maybe it could have been the owner who had given up hope and was lashing out with rage. Or some little bratty kid that fuckin hates cats.

Aren't these guys weird? I believe it's either a scottish or german thistle.

I know this is an overwhelming amount of photos. I was out taking photos of different autumn type plants before it is no longer autumn. I like to paint said subjects in the winter but google doesn't really give very many images of these types of plants.
Along with these photos, I have millions of non arty ones just waiting in a file for me to paint and sketch. This is a great thing.
Better I take the photos myself anyways.
These photos were the art-ier ones that I kinda liked. Again, I have very little control of my damn camera so I make do with the tones that I would like and try to adjust shit to trick the camera into focusing on what I want it to.


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