Wednesday, June 6, 2007

a trip to my parents

as soon as I got there I felt I needed some photographs to remember it by, these are just for my personal satisfaction, they're not really artistic.


my second acrylic painting, made for my dad for christmas.



this is where the carrots and raddishes are growing, so i've been told.
my old swingset, minus the swings.

mom's photography

worn out tulips

icelandic poppies

daffodil reaper

this one was taken as a request of my mom, way more rosebuds then usual this year.
also my mom's pride and joy, manitoba lady slipper.

russian olive

my mom and dad, and my dad's goofy wave that he does whenever i take pictures.

purple columbine.

beautiful strawberry flowers.

either spanish or irish moss.

some pink lilacs

our side gate.
these snowflakes were made by my mom for christmas time with toothpicks and styrofoam balls and snowspray.

I didn't actually buy this shirt.. I got it from some cool dude pro skater that threw it out into the crowd.

my parents' pictures of me when i was a kid.

this one was also for my mom.

and this one.
it's garage time!

bleeding hearts.

some memories from home.

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